How You Can Help


We are currently funded entirely by public donations. We run fundraisers on our social media pages or you can donate by clicking the donate button at the top. We also welcome other fundraising on our behalf

outstretched hands holding a jar of colourful notes and change, currency unclear
outstretched hands holding a jar of colourful notes and change, currency unclear


Our organisation is run by volunteers and we are always in need of help. There are a number of roles that we always need support with, and there are some specialist roles that we may advertise on our website.

woman walking beside wall with the best gift is you graffiti
woman walking beside wall with the best gift is you graffiti


We love working with charities, schools, non-profit organisations and businesses. If you are interested in partnering with SCUFF or you would like to find out more about our current partners then please click below.

close up of a black hand and white hand shaking, both wrists show smart shirt cuffs
close up of a black hand and white hand shaking, both wrists show smart shirt cuffs